
Thousands of community residents have joined our campaign to protect the High Line. Here are just a few reasons we're fighting to protect our treasured park:

  • Carmen Matias

    A resident at Penn South, the largest affordable co-op apartment complex on the West Side, and member of the High Line Neighbors Council

    “The High Line is our neighborhood’s park. Our residents and neighbors will not stand for a plan that dramatically undermines the essence of the High Line.”

  • George Marfo

    Lives in Elliott-Chelsea Houses and works in Chelsea at Fulton Houses

    “If you take away the views, you take away the High Line.”

  • Aleta LaFargue

    President of the Manhattan Plaza Tenants Association

    “After decades of community collaboration, developers committed to a mix of up to 5,700 affordable and market rate apartments. This new proposed rezoning plan would eliminate much of this desperately needed housing to make way for increased commercial space in super tall high rise buildings that would obstruct sunlight and river views as well as greatly diminishing the High Line experience, much loved by residents and visitors alike.”

  • Sally Greenspan

    President of the Council of Chelsea Block Associations (CCBA)

    “Chelsea has a serious housing crisis. If the new ‘updated’ WRY proposal moves forward, the community stands to lose approximately 2,500-4,200 new housing units that were included in the 2009 plan. The housing will be replaced with taller buildings with commercial space and possibly a casino. Chelsea needs more housing, not more office space and CCBA opposes the potential inclusion of a casino. CCBA supports the Protect the High Line campaign to get the Rail Yards plan back on track.”

  • Janice Figueroa

    West Village Resident

    "The community should have a say in how development plans might impact the High Line. And, we’re saying we want to protect the High Line."

  • Tom Morris

    West Village Resident

    "My friends and neighbors all love the High Line, and they know community involvement is important in any changes."

  • Chris Schilling

    High Line Neighbors Council and Quest to Learn Middle School Teacher

    "The High Line is a magical place. Don’t let anybody take that away from us."

  • Alec Dadisman

    High Line Friend, Member, and Volunteer

    "The High Line was born because our community came together. And we’re doing it again."

  • Jennifer Elsasser

    High Line Neighbors Council Member, Volunteer Greeter, Neighbor

    "I’m asking all of my neighbors to join me in supporting the Protect the High Line campaign. It’s that important."

  • Ina Selden

    High Line Volunteer Docent

    "The community came together in 2009 to agree on a plan for the rail yards. The new plan has had no community input."

2,400 supporters and counting!

add your voice

Want to add your support to our campaign to protect the High Line?

campaign supporters

Jerome Q

Ilaria M

Gerrard K

Steve P

Josie S

Taylor S

Joseph H

Lori G

Mick R

Marcus C

Elena G

Samantha W

Virginia F

Michela M

Danny P

Karen W

Jennifer N

KaSondra M

Jacob H

Miroslav R

Arlene G

Andrew C

Ana F

Alan S

Benrus M

Howard L

Sumati Karen B

Francesca A

Goar B

Lawrence W

Alana T

Omar A

Deborah R

Connie B

Sakhina T

Klaus W

Janice F

Karin B

Madeline M

Candace D

Victoria S

Kathrin A

Rebecca S

Valerie V

Yukiko O

Laurie L

Nicole D

Hans R

John A

Jusab G

Carolyn W

Morgan J

Robert F

Suji M

Jamie M

Dawn E

Bevicini C

Robbee F

Helena P

Jo H

Diana B

Henry G

John D

Garrett A

Volha T

Taylor T

Bettina J

Virginia M

Amanda B

Scott S

Claire G

Bodo E

Robin K

Deb S

Brigette B

Melissa H

John W

Eric O

Megan C

Michael K

Mary K

Justin C

Edmund S

Elise V

Suzanne W

Mia C

Monika A

Elsie A

Hanna E

Joan D

Donald S

Vito G

Michael L

Diane L

Lucy R

Kimberley K

Julianne C

Jesenko V

Kara T

Maureen K

Julia G

Bruno C

Beth G

Juan C

Sandra K

Elif A

Marissa R

Leslie G

Janays J

Georges J

Micah N

Rosemary K

Richard G

Clara C

Steven R

Corine G

Cida B

Sylvie G

Alexandra R

Rachel F

Rosemarie M

Erynn S

Sandra B

Lilli L

Borja V

Vijo C

Lindsey Z

Monica P

Peter M

Phyllis C

Tina S

John M

Gabriella M

Kenneth R

stephanie w

Glory Ann K

Gregoria M

Miriam S

Timothy W

Zoe F

Littlejohn J

Avery J

Paulette B

Barbra H

Delores W

Edward F

Canan T

Brenda P

Brandi W

Esther D

Bernie V

Jennifer G

Chris F

Matthew G

Eric L

Erin P

Frances P

Aqeel A

Olive T

Kim T

Jiyun K

Felina D

Rob L

Irene B

Olga G

Stephanie B

Regina O

Richard C

Adam S

Jennifer B

Marion L

Jacqueline V

Katharine M

Tracey G

Joanne S

Catriona M

Heather C

Viviana A

Courtney J

Deborah P

Laura B

Liz M

Yelitza M

Elias C

Rhona M

Peter M

Christopher W

Patrick K

Fran W

Maria O

Marika C

Patricia S

Michael G

Julie D

Rashmi V

Daniel J

Dina P

Ismail A

Diane S

Shannen M

Cindi S

Adonys J

Stephanie W

Varun S

Jennifer M

Emma L

Andrea K

Mary-Andree A

Evadne G

Sara B

Jessy D

Fatima O

Cheryl M

Robin C

Robin K

Ashley L

Elizabeth F

David H

Pia W

Alyssa L

Sondra B

Ira A

Melanie L

Dan D

Julie D

Sharon S

Julie N

Suzanne P

Chris N

Leslie G

Norma K

Brenda E

Nancy S

Eileen L

Alexis R

Mudit K

Gabriel V

Michael F

Fermin V

Marissa Reyes

Marissa R

Phyllis S

Alfred M

Tamara W

Martin B

James F

Mikhail M

Lenore C

Andrea L

Xiomara M

Thomas D

Pierre-Laurent F

Eugene M

Alison D

Rachel B

Liane B

Eva G

Bailey R

Marni D

Mark T

Marc V

Emily G

Priscila G

Stephen B

Stacy C

Rui I

Marc G

Katherine M

maria t

Claire T

Jane P

Kim P

Abby C

Neil S

Colton G

Peter C

Linda K

Matt E

Priscilla W

Matthew K

Rafe T

Lauren C

Jeannette L

Colleen C

Mariam S

Nancy F

Yvonne L

Tim D

Kathy D

Dulcinea M

Samuel F

April Jess S

Jacqueline G

Zain B

Andrea S

Jason W

Dustin T

Carol W

Samantha S

Michelle C

Manja B

Rushabh S

Deborah D

Megan L

Edward H

Deborah V

Pamela W

John C

Christopher B

Robert R

Linda S

Maurizio T

Nancy H

Julie T

Maria A

Rebecca R

Arnoud J

Darren G

Victoria A

Sarah E

Lewis M

Wayne T

Burton S

Bryan V

Kerry A

Connie T

Taylor Z

Lance L

Suk ma K

Brian J C

Jennifer B

Karen S

Suso P

Jim C

Linda F

Jacqueline L

Matthew J

Laura S

Pat J

Aaron A

Caryn H

Dave L

Gerard N

Carmen M

Michaela P

Annette S

Harry B

Mike C

Nicholas L

Janice H

Stephanie P

Michael G

Francisco L

Jackie S

Peter F

Courtnee W

Gilad P

Aimee S

Florence <

Emilia E

Eric F

Mara S

Andy S

Dominick R

Joe S

Saoirse D

Nicole W

Kathy E

Rosemary M

Pikchu A

Maria S

Karen W

Lynne H

Sarah J

Chihiro V

Joseph F

Mackenzie H

Jeff V

Susan L

Claire G

Janet P

Colleen T

Nina S

Leslie O

Antonella C

Grace F

John M

Anastassia T

Greg K

Inna S

Avril P

Cynthia M

Sam P

Jean B

Olga P

Megan S

Richard D

George d

Tina S

Elizabeth R

Bonnie A

Emilio V

Tucker R

Thomas H

Joyce C

Gus M

Madeleine R

jody v

Dorothy K

Stefanie F

Elyse G

Lydia E

Stanko J

Danielle S

John I

Mai U

Dennis N

Geraldine B

Hanna R

Sandra W

Tiffany T

Audrey L

Javier V

Robert B

Rachel M

Lorraine S

Robert A

April B

Alice N

Aniyah C

Javier P

Joaquin E

Maurice M

Alison H J

Janet C

Frank O

Kezia S

Stephen M

Sandra S

Natalia K

Ethan L

Raymond K

Diana A

Karen K

Nancy O

Detlef J

Marian C

Gloriana R

Cassandra W

Aysel A

Roberta G

Elizabeth G

Melissa K

Rebecca B

Leslie M

William W

Richard F

Chris M

Analourdes A

Cris S

Kendra S

Brenda S

Katie P

Ian Z

Candice R

Putri J

Gail M

Arun K

Leela L

Marcello T

Candice H

Lai M

Shay B

Valentine S

Judith W

Amandeep P

Elizabeth S

Joshua D

Robert K

Marie M

Katherine M

Howard S

David T

Carey J

Mary E

Elisa T

Laura M

Vasyl Y

Erica T

Bismark G

David S

Faye K

Alexis F

Lynn C

Charles B

Terence G

Carlos G

James C

Michele Z

Carolyne M

Jacky G

Anne M

Ken B

Daniel S

Guillermo P

Filip J

Kaly Q

Gloria L

Banu K

Sue R

Valerie V

Olivia K

Sebastian M

Jodie W


Mark T

Vipul P

Matthew M

John C

Minerva I

Alan F

Marie B

Karen T

Elle M

Carmen S N

Isabelle N

Eleanor B

Jessica R

Paul M

David W

Elizabeth M

Barbara R

Raphael S

Anne R

Jeffrey H

Christa H

Veronica M

Elizabeth D

Madi L

Abigail P

Janet G

Malia V

Moochan L

Elizabeth C

Shankar K

Nabin C

Margaret C

Betsey H

Linda F

Joy I

Marisa G

Nora N

Nickolas C

Ana G

Pnina S

Kate S

Sheila M

Dwayne C

Bill A

Johan K

Thomas t

Nirmala S

Miriam F

Marie E

Alison M

Brian B

Leslie A

Stephen A

Louis M

Jordan S

Taylor D

Walter S

Apollo W

David S

Hilary S

Cathleen C

Julie B

Becky L

Ruth G

Colleen O

Valerie T

Joanne D

Jessica M

Paul G

Norma R

Benedith L

Adele L

Azael L

Genevieve C

Terrence J

Ken N

Vanessa M

Cheryl Z

Dawn J

Maggie M

Lawrence K

Lavinia G

Gail S

Joan R

Carola B

Friederike P

Arnaud L

Carla S

Laura W

Elaine Z

Alicia S

A. D

Tim J

Gregg L

Támara T

Donna D

Sandy G

Elena S

Helen W

Barbara M

William H

Carol K

Allison C

Katayoun S

Ahmed M

Chase K

Steve R

Jessica B

Rocío M

Marcy K

Donay Q

Kathryn C

Kelsey B

Steven M

Asima J

Tahreem A

Roland T

Daniela C

Robin W

Kate M

Kate M

Vyoma V

Peter G

Jordan R

Jackie W

Stéphanie B

Garry Y

Veerle V

Sarah M

Brian M

Mylo C

Amelie M

Zaiver R

Ennis J

Jamie P

Leo F

Monica G

Hannah P

Euan R

Gaby L

Jack David M

Beatriz K

Chin S

Leanne S

Izzy S

James D

Nathan K

Alex S

Ben M

Nelson P

Colerain M

Mark M

Deirdre P

Sarah L

Sarah M

Stephanie Q

susan o

Joseph F

Nancy E

Julie T

Alan E

Pavel P

Kelly B

Alexandra R

Alejandro L

Lisa E

Béla N

Filip W

Linda S

Susan L

Daniel F

Marco Antonio R

Elke F

Irene P

Mary G

Ruben C

Sophie M

Isaac T

Gayle V

Esther D

Margot I

Martina B

James P

Puti A

Nicole L

Boonthree R

Dorothy K

Julie L

Hector V

Richard T

Jessica F

Esther F

Loraine M

Zachary S

Diego S

Michael R

Vanessa S

Cynthia B

Gabriel W

Gary C

Candace H

Patricia V

Jon E

Anna R

Yadira J

Christopher L

Michelle L

Shelly L

Anne H

Allie M

Donna L

Kristen C

Julia E

Bradley B

Ino N

Smiti K

Alysha C

Nouha F

Anya G

Linda W

Elsa L

Jacob E

Jorge O

Wei W

Gabrielle S

Rachel G

Bruno L

Felice C

Catarina C

Helen J

Niels O

Roberto B

Herbert F

Adna H

Greg S

Connie M

Emily M

Eunice L

Ash R

Raymond A

Anthony V

Patricia B

Timothy A

Ray K

Jesse I

Sara R

Sandra W

Mindy R

Michael F

Olivia T

Sandra T

Stephanie P

Beth R

Jared L

Rich R

Lewis T

Catherine C

Rachel H

Mary Anne M

Steve A

Alaina M

Paulene G

Claudia K

Luna F

Jay S

Callum J

Jennifer R

mindy Z

Wayne S

Karen K

Marla K

Alejandro A

Cathleen G

Howard B

Devon H

Nancy B

Robin W

Flávia D

Andrew F

Victor P

Donte C

Judith K

Abner B

Sorochan O

Daniel D

Mary Lou M

Christopher Z

Edward M

Ina Lee S

Bryan B

Chaya C

Cory C

John G

Pascal P

Kamran A

Jenny C

Kristina B

Emme H

Frank G

Lynne V

Elaine M

Maia E

Zackary F

Valerie S

Gahl S

Sherri H

Finn M

Judite d

Suzanne P

Michael S

Albert T

Lyndsey S

Michele L

Alex C

Anna d


Hannah D

Trisha A

Guillermo F

Gregory M

Daniel H

Sandra G

Claire A

Lydia A

Anja L

Yuki K

Marie D

Torsten N

Sanaya K

Gaby N

Eliza D

Michelle H

Jean B

Eric B

Sharon S

Suzy B

Colin P

David N

Yvette N

Lisandra S

Kelly B

Victoria D

Takarai F

Jutta K

Julie M

Hiroko M

Heidi U

Bianca E

Francesca S

Chris M

Cory M

Kristina P

Kate V

Wardel F

Madeleine K

Katelin M

Josh G

Roland B

Rylan C

Maria L

Glenn G

Jean S

Henry C

Abby L

David B

Gene M

Tom M

Maria M

David R

Julie H

Quinton K

Chris S

Nicole B

Elaine F

Susan F

Nathaniel L

Jack O

Raud R

Clare R

Ella M

Sondra B

Linda N

Catherine F

Teresa M

Courtney M

Cori T

Elizabeth V

Roger C

Bruna C

Charina A

Neil N

Betsey v

yasmine k

Edward F

Benjamin C

Diana H

Lisa J

Ellen O

Lucille R

Sandra K

Sue H

Imogene W

Alyssa R

Jennifer T

Molly S

Tiaa R

Bettie L

Paul V

Monica M

Benjamin S

Karyn F

Brittany M

Bill B

Cierra W

Michelle C

Danielle D

Victor E

Kade V

Mike B

Lisa A

Francesco V

Joan B

Gillian F

Khawla Z

David P

Timothy Q

Frances J

Gilda F

Jody C

Lauren M

Jim K

Jim G

Kelly A

Lea G

David H

Teresa C

Henry W

George S

Elizabeth F

Tia D

Phyllis O

Victor D

Arlene K

Patrick D

Krikor B

Tatum C

Nina C

Jo J

Tyler L

Tina S

Sherry F

Julia Z

Bobby K

Wanda D

Jessica M

Paul L

Issac P


Antonio B

Shifa A

Jeremy G

Barry T

Judith E. M

Adrienne I

Richard R

Simone W

Elizabeth K

Hunter F

Kenna W

Dennis K

Tim T

Katherine W

Marie E

Simone C

Michael P

Scotty E

Jan P

Bryant Z

Keeley D

Tracy C

Sandy C

Sharon S

Nathan K

Leslie M

Casey L

Hilary F

Kevin C

Veronica B

Lori D

Melissa M

Joy C

Anja N

Wyatt C

Kristin R

Paul B

gail r

Carol O

Eve M

Joanna T

Christina A

Helga B

Manuela B

Denise M

Glaucia H

Julia N

Rick O

Erika M

Lisa P

Renata W

Wilfredo G

Judith R

Ann G

Mathea R

Leonard P

Dave C

Kathleen F

Ronald R

Chris S

Jayette L

Elizabeth B

Gabriel E

Doug S

Marvin T

Isabel C

Paula M

Ian H

Tad F

Scott G

Annie W

Michael W

Hana D

Erica F

Luke C

Dorothy S

Marc L

Mary T

Elaine S

Shelly L

Janet A

Mariusz C

Barbara K

Courtney T

Fran P

Laura S

Sarah K

Sandra Z

Daniel A

Rebecca M

Manny J

Laurie H

Kiley B

Kate S

Abby R

Kathryn H

Heather K

Pavi D

Wendy A

Johnny A

Jenelle B

Molly H

John C

Karen K

Sandra D

Greg S

Joan S

Jeffrey G

Jeremy T

Henrietta S

Daniela F

Semra S

Paul H

David M

Diane I

Katelyn W

Ellen Marie N

Rachel B

Katharine B

Pedro R

Lee V

Stefan K

George M

Claire A

David A

Joe D

Scott W

Michael G

Karen A

Merle B

Allison C

Kai T

Dennis B

Charlie V

Naomi S

Kenneth K

Blake F

Haim H

Mai R

Joe T

Natalie M

Kim H

Nancie V

Lucy G

James L

Mario R

Joan D

Delores R

Cecilia C

Helen P

Lorraine R

chris s

Micki M

Carly T

Judith L

Brunelle A

Steve R

Wendy F

Noorah T

Esther P

Katy D

Jerry S

Lynn M

Regina A

Jan E

Russ B

Amanda F

Charles T

Maureen M

Lee M

Mary C

Jennifer F

Victor A

Patrick O

Mercedes M

Amy S

Michael A

Gary B

Diana S

Amanda M

Amanda C

Abigail T

Allyson D

Giovanna T

Sung K

Elizabeth S

Tom K

Ruth D

Eshel K

Awesta A

Chris P

Joshua R

Carla S

Pam H

Gwynne J

jude o

David C

Anne B

Sherrie H

Lois T

Anya O

Gail F

Jamila D

Bella O

Alan P

Max S

John B

Claudia D

Valeriya V

Kate C

kaitlyn K

Beth W

Peter C

Vikki K

Darlene N

Anne M

Arely S

Sandy C

Mary Ann J

Brian K

Alan T

Lauren O

Adam B

Ann H

James S

erin c

Bill N

Hope D

George B

Noel C

Mario M

Edgar S