Elected officials


    State Assemblymember, District 75

    “I’ve been clear: I’m philosophically opposed to a casino on the west side of Manhattan. The community has been against it, and unless that changes, I’m a no.”



    State Senator, District 47

    “[The High Line's] opinion is going to count,” Brad Hoylman-Sigal, the state senator who represents the area and will appoint a member of the voting committee, said about the park group. He called the group’s opposition “extraordinary,” considering its longtime relationship with Related, which has benefited from pitching the park as an amenity for its many nearby properties… “It highlights the depth of concern in the West Side community,” he said.

    [NYT, 7/10/24]


    City Councilmember, District 3

    “I am highly skeptical of any alterations to the existing zoning regulations and the potential reduction of housing units,” Erik Bottcher, the local City Council member who will appoint a member of the voting committee, said in a statement.

    [NYT, 7/10/24]


    State Assemblymember, District 66

    “The High Line is a unique and beloved park intended to get New Yorkers and visitors outside and above the congested streets and sidewalks. Any plans that block views from this distinctive vantage point or allow for building closer to the High Line run counter to the High Line Special District and would significantly alter the experience. Preserving the integrity, intent, and enjoyment of cherished New York attractions like the High Line must be prioritized. It would be one thing to accept a greater density of buildings if it were to produce substantial affordable housing, but the City should be preserving our waterfront features as many countries and cities have done successfully, not undermining this enormously successful attraction that draws tourists from all corners of the world and provides New Yorkers with an unparalleled experience.”

    [Statement provided to Protect the High Line]

    “Aside from the fact that I don’t believe that we need a casino to attract people, the renderings that have thus far been presented are overlarge…. And frankly, Hudson Yards has made promises that they haven’t delivered on yet in terms of affordable housing, so I think that we’re desperate for affordable housing.”

    [Commercial Observer, 7/23/24]

  • Mark Levine

    Manhattan Borough President

    "The High Line is one of New York City’s great civic treasures. It is a cultural and economic engine for the West Side and the city as a whole. It is essential that the unique character of this vital public space be preserved and enhanced by any future development on the Western Rail Yards, and that the experience of High Line users be fully taken into account at every stage of planning. As the proposal for a casino makes its way through the land use and other approval processes, I intend to ensure that these principles are adhered to."

    [Statement provided to Protect the High Line]